Community Health Research Exchange & Community Engaged Research Journal Club

Community Health Research Exchange (CHRE)

Since 2009, the CHRE has convened for the purpose of building long-lasting relationships to grow, enhance, and support community-engaged research and other university-community partnered projects and activities. CHRE is comprised of community-based safety net providers; leaders from community benefit organizations that provide health services; UCI faculty, students, and providers; and is open to the public.

The CHRE meets quarterly to explore essential topics in partnered research, and understand partnered research as it relates to specific research studies taking place between university and community researchers. Research and topics presented range from conceptual, idea-generating, and resource sharing (such as an organization new to research but who has tons of data that could tell a story) to practical how-to topics (Institutional Review Board [IRB], data mining) to live examples of partnered research that demonstrate the benefits of research to community organizations, clients, patients, faculty, students, and healthcare providers.

Please join us for one or all of these engaging and thought-provoking meetings. Please contact Robynn Zender for details on time and location:, 949-824-3160.

Community Engaged Research Journal Club (CEnR JC)

This new program seeks to engage students, faculty, staff, and stakeholders in critically discussing CEnR readings. Set in a relaxing and fun atmosphere, this journal club meets quarterly to examine current CEnR literature, understand the principles of community engagement, build a CEnR community, and deepen our relationships within UCI and the community in which we live. This group will be led by two faculty researchers with expertise in the spectrum of principles and methods encompassed within partnered research, Drs. Alana LeBron and Dara Sorkin. This meeting is open to the public and articles, book chapters, etc. to be discussed will be posted on the ICTS website and can be found here. For other questions and to be placed on the email list, please contact Robynn Zender,, 949-824-3160.

To see a schedule of upcoming journal club meetings, click here

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