Funding Opportunities

Campus-Community Research Incubator Pilots Previously Funded Grants

ICTS Research Project Funding Opportunities

The ICTS offers annual small grants, the Pilot Study Awards and the Campus-Community Research Incubator (CCRI) Awards, as well as occasional special calls. These are reviewed by reviewers both internal and external to UCI, and by community reviewers. Projects that are selected are supported by the Research Acceleration and Facilitation Team (RAFT), which provides post award support during the year of funding.

Pilot Study Awards

The ICTS Translational Science Pilot Studies Award Program offers one-year awards to provide investigators with support to engage in proof-of-concept or preliminary research that addresses a common roadblock or bottleneck in translational research. Projects are expected to inform a subsequent application for extramural funding to extend the findings, which should be generalizable across multiple diseases and lead to improved efficiency or effectiveness of future translational research.


Campus-Community Research Incubator (CCRI) Awards

The Campus-Community Research Incubator Program (CCRI) is a small-grant funding mechanism designed to foster collaborative, research-oriented projects involving both university researchers and community organizations. The CCRI builds new partnerships and augments existing ones between the university and the community. Annually, there are two levels of grant funding available: 1. Exploratory CCRI funds $8,000-$10,000 (for research, QI, and evaluation-based applications) and 2. Mini CCRI $3,000-$5,000 (for capacity- and partnership-building applications).


Other Funding Opportunities

NIH offers a variety of funding opportunities that are limited to applicants affiliated with a Clinical Translational Science Award (CTSA).  The ICTS invites interested UCI investigators to contact Lisa Hinojosa ( for additional information and assistance.  

CTSA Program Collaborative and Innovative Acceleration (CCIA) Award

The CTSA Program Collaborative and Innovative Acceleration (CCIA) Award (PAR-25-296) aims to provide support to investigators to tackle a translational science problem no one organization can solve alone. The award supports synergistic activities that accelerate the translational research process through collaboration and innovation. Applicants must be from at least 3 eligible organizations.  To find out more information visit the National Center for Advancing Translational Sciences website.

Expiration date: October 20, 2027.

High Impact Specialized Innovation Programs in Clinical and Translational Science for UM1 CTSA Hub Awards (RC2 Clinical Trials Optional)

The purpose of the High Impact Specialized Innovation Programs (SIPs) is to support the development and demonstration of unique hub capabilities, research platforms and/or resources to address in a timely manner critical gap areas and/or roadblocks in clinical and translational science at awarded UM1 Clinical and Translational Science Awards (CTSA) Program Hubs (PAR-24-272). Successful programs supported through this funding opportunity are expected to lay a strong foundation for future adoption and/or dissemination of capabilities to additional CTSA Program Hubs.

Expiration date: September 29, 2026.

NCATS Clinical and Translational Science Award (CTSA) Program Research Education Grants Programs (R25 – Clinical Trial Not Allowed)

The NIH Research Education Program (R25) (PAR-25-197) supports research education activities in the mission areas of the NIH. To accomplish the stated overarching goal, this program will provide support to recipients of Clinical and Translational Science Awards (CTSA) for creative educational activities with a primary focus on research experiences designed to ensure that the participants receive exposure to the scientific and operational principles underlying each step of the translational process so that they can apply these principles to clinical and translational science research areas such as: 1) pre-clinical research, 2) clinical research, 3) clinical implementation, and 4) public health.

Expiration Date: May 29, 2027

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