2015 Funded CCRI Projects

Pilot Testing the Impact of an Innovative School-based CBT Intervention in Partnership with El Sol Science and Arts Academy of Santa Ana

Project Team

UCI Program in Nursing Science:  Yuqing Guo, PhD, RN El Sol Science and Arts Academy of Santa Ana: Monique Daviss, Executive Director

Project Description

Anxiety disorders rank as the third most prevalent psychiatric diagnosis among children aged 3-17 years (3.0%).1 Over the past four years, UCI’s Program in Nursing Science has partnered with El Sol Science and Arts Academy, a K-8 charter bilingual school in Santa Ana with 96% Latino families, to provide health education. Together, we have observed El Sol middle school children have exhibited increasing rates of anxiety and depression as documented by their school social worker and school nurse. El Sol teachers and administrators have requested that we develop an early intervention for elementary children to prevent more serious mental health and academic challenges faced by these children in adolescence.
Research has identified that the community of Santa Ana is characterized by risk factors for poor health outcomes. For example, Santa Ana has the highest rate of violent crimes (46.7 per 10,000 population), and high school attainment (52.5%) is much lower than the County average (83.5%).2 Potential social determinants of health disparity in Santa Ana are noteworthy. About 16% of children are reported to be in “fair/poor health” in Santa Ana vs. 5% in Orange County.3 Latino youth have less access to and poorer quality of mental health services compared with non-Hispanic Whites.4, 5 The impact of high crime rates, poor overall health status, and limited access to healthcare on mental health is profound.6 Problems in access and social determinants of health necessitate a school-based intervention.
The proposed project will pilot test a culturally sensitive cognitive behavior therapy (CBT) intervention in partnership with El Sol school. The study’s research questions are (1) what is the preliminary efficacy of the school-based CBT intervention in addressing mental health issues in a sample of Latino children and (2) what are parent and teacher perceptions of feasibility and acceptability of the intervention.

Early Childhood Obesity Prevention in Practice: Assessment of Provider Perceptions and Practices in Orange County

Project Team

UCI Department of Pediatrics: Candice Taylor Lucas, MD, MPH

Children and Families Commission of Orange County (CFCOC): Alyce Mastrianni, MPA

Project Description

The proposed project primarily seeks to develop and administer a survey to conduct a needs assessment of OC CHDP providers to assess gaps in knowledge, attitudes, and practices relating to child obesity. In addition to the needs assessment, information will be obtained regarding the health care providers’ awareness of resources available for preventing and treating early childhood obesity in OC, as well as what they feel are the existing barriers to treatment. This vital step will establish a baseline measure of providers’ overall awareness of early childhood obesity practices among practitioners caring for children at greatest risk for adverse health outcomes due to obesity. According to the Orange County Health Care Agency (OCHCA), there are 221 practices and 473 unique providers in the region (337 medical doctors, 23 doctors of osteopathic medicine, 62 nurse practitioners, and 51 physician assistants).
The survey will assess basic demographic information (i.e. age, years in practice, city of practice, languages spoken, type of practice (academic, county, etc.); knowledge about healthy eating, activity, and sleep behavioral patterns for children 0-5 years; knowledge about the need to use WHO growth charts for children less than two years of age; attitudes around monitoring and addressing weight in children less than 5 years old; and practices in screening and providing health information to children less than 5 years old. Additionally, the survey will ask open ended questions about perceived barriers and resources to managing weight for children less than 5 years old. No personally identifiable information will be collected.

Needs Assessment and Impact Evaluation: A Caregiver Intervention Program

Project Team
UC Irvine Center for Occupational and Environmental Health:Haiou Yang, PhD
St. Jude Medical Center: Barry Ross, MPH, MBA

Project Description:

Nearly 20% of the US adult population provides important caregiving toward maintaining the well-being of their family members. Caregivers are significant part of the labor force in the US although their work is commonly unpaid. The value of this unpaid labor force is estimated to be at least $306 billion annually. A growing body of research shows that family members, who provide care to individuals with chronic or disabling conditions, are at risk for mental and physical health problems. Research evidence also shows that anxiety, depression and other mental health problems are prevalent among caregivers. Caregivers are also at increased risk to develop a wide range of chronic health conditions, including cardiovascular diseases, cancer, diabetes and spinal pains.
In the past three decades, the Caregiver Resource Center (CRC) sponsored by St. Jude Medical Center has provided a wide range of services to caregivers in Orange County, California. This Center is part of a statewide system contracted through the California Department of Health Care Services. Evaluating the impact of the programmatic services and assessing service needs, and further strengthening the program capacities are pressing issues faced by the CRC. The UC Irvine Center for Occupational and Environmental Health (COEH) was established almost four decades ago to train occupational health professionals, conduct research on occupational and environmental health, and provide services to the public, employers and workers in Southern California. A campus-community partnership between the CRC and the COEH has been formed to address the following research questions:
1. Is the level of depression of the caregivers reduced after receiving a caregiving training program combined with the respite care?
2. What are major caregiving burdens and needs for caregiver service programs?
3. How can the capacity of the existing caregiver service programs be improved?

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