ICTS TL-1 NRSA Scholars Training Program

The UC Irvine Institute for Clinical and Translational Science (ICTS) has a NIH-funded (TL-1) training program designed to integrate training in clinical research and translational science into the core curriculum of students in medicine, biology, public health, nursing, pharmaceutical sciences, biomedical and social sciences, physical sciences, engineering, and informatics.

Currently there are no open positions.

The Applicants Must:

  • Project focused on Translational Research
  • Have 2 Mentors
  • Currently hold a postdoctoral position in their first 12 months of training or have a letter of commitment from the University for a position that will start prior to the beginning of this award
  • Be a US Citizen or Green Card Holder

To apply for the ICTS TL-1 Scholar position applicants must submit the following:

  1. Personal Statement including your training and mentorship plan (Limit to 2 pages)
  2. NIH BioSketch (new format)
  3. Research Plan Title (Limit 300 characters, including spaces)
  4. Research Plan Summary (Limit 250 words)
    1. Include description of multidisciplinary integration of project and/or mentoring team
  5. Research Plan (Limit 5 pages) consisting of three sections:
    1. Description of Research Question
      • Hypothesis and specific aims
    2. Background and Key Literature
    3. Study Design/Research Plan (work closely with mentor to write)
    4. Bibliography (Not included in the page count)
  6. 2 completed Letters of Endorsement from your Primary Mentor and Co-mentor, including the mentor’s NIH-style Bio-sketch (new format).
  7. Letters of recommendations from at least two faculty members who are familiar with the applicant’s credentials and work. (Minimum 2 letters, maximum 3)

Applications are due on Thursday, July 1, 2021 at 5PM.

All application documents must be submitted online at https://ci-redcap.hs.uci.edu/surveys/?s=38K98DMA7M.

Questions should be directed to Marguerite Klumb mklumb@hs.uci.edu; 949-824-3351.

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