The UCI ICTS Biostatistics, Epidemiology, and Research Design (BERD) Unit offers researchers several consultation services such as data analysis, manuscript preparation, grant proposals, biostatistical training, and more.
Explore our BERD consultation usage trends, cumulative appointment data and how many departments we’ve reached.
Click here for a fullscreen view.
The Medical Student Research Program (MSRP) is a collaboration between the ICTS and UCI School of Medicine that provides medical students with hands-on research experiences under faculty mentorship.
Explore our metrics on the total number of students actively engaged in our program, as well as their feedback on the Foundations of Research Course series- a prerequisite for acceptance into the program.
Click here for a fullscreen view.
The UCI ICTS Pilot Awards Program supports local, cutting-edge research in the early phases with the goal of nurturing these projects as they plan for larger, externally funded studies.
Explore some of the key inputs and outputs of our Pilot Awards Program including total projects funded, publications produced by awardees, return on investment, and more.
Pilots Summary Report (PDF)
Click here for a fullscreen view.
Our KL-2 program supports newly trained clinicians and scientists in activities related to the development of a successful clinical and translational research career. Out TL-1 program helps to support research training experiences for pre-doctoral and post-doctoral trainees who are interested n pursuing research careers in multi-disciplinary clinical and translational science.
Explore our annual totals for publications produced by TL-1/KL-2 awardees and their industry and academic affiliations.
Click here for a fullscreen view.
Publication Impact
Research projects that the Institute for Clinical and Translational Science (ICTS) provided resources for, have resulted in a growing
number of publications since 2011.
Relative Citation Ration (RCR): Generated by the NIH iCite website (https://icite.od.nih.gov/analysis), RCR weights publication impact based on the number of citations common in a field. A paper with RCR = 1 has the average amount of citations compared to other papers in the same field. Publications supported by the ICTS have a mean RCR of 2.1 more than twice the number of citations compared to similar papers in their field.
A substantial number of publications were of especially high impact, with over 100 ICTS-supported publications that have more than 7 times the common citations of papers in its field.