Research Recruitment & Retention

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Clinical trials are plagued by inaccurate estimates of sample size and ineffective accrual and retention of study participants. Researchers must be made aware that a realistic assessment of study feasibility must be done early in the clinical trial lifecycle.

Dr. Josh Grill, PhD, is an expert in this area and leads the ICTS Accrual and Retention Consulting Service. He is also a well-known Alzheimer’s disease investigator and serves as the director of UCI MIND. Dr. Grill will discuss common problems in trial recruitment and retention such as:

  1. Inadequate estimates of eligible participants
  2. Strategies to improve enrollment
  3. How to increase diversity in clinical trials
  4. Strategies to improve retention
  5. Lack of trust between study staff and potential participants
  6. Effective use of EHR to notify care providers of ongoing clinical trials

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