2021-22 Community Lecture Series: Stem Cells and Aging – Can We Stop the Hands of Time? Join us for this hybrid community lecture as Tim Downing, PhD, and Michael Zaragoza, MD, PhD, discuss current research and insights surrounding stem cells and aging. |
Colliding Epidemics: Trends in Major Infectious Diseases in the Time of COVID-19 This virtual symposium will include presentations by leading experts on the global trends and dynamics of major infectious diseases during the COVID pandemic, including HIV, HCV, tuberculosis, and influenza. |
Responsible Conduct of Research Workshop NIH requires RCR training that involves at least 8 contact hours between participants and faculty. Instruction must be undertaken at least once during each career stage, and at a frequency of no less than once every four years. To meet the NIH requirement, the Institute of Clinical and Translational Science in partnership with the Office of Research will be hosting a full workshop. |
Dean’s Distinguished Lecture Series Event With Eloy Oakley Ortiz Graduate Division Dean Gillian Hayes is excited to continue her Graduate Dean’s Distinguished Lecture Series, with the next lecture featuring Eloy Ortiz Oakley presenting on the topic of Diversity, Equity, and Inclusion in academia and the world. He will talk about the different ways academia can play a role in bringing people together, different tactics for critical thinking and discussion with someone with a different viewpoint, and much more. |
Harvard Course: Community-Engaged Research Community engagement in research creates trust between academic researchers and communities and, ultimately, improves community health. To bolster this partnership, Harvard Catalyst has created Community-Engaged Research, an online course designed for both researchers and community members running October 13-December 17. This course will help researchers like you build trusting relationships with the community while preparing community partners to engage in health research. |
2021-22 IFH Seminar Series: mHealth for behavioral intervention in older and vulnerable populations Speaker: Oleg Zaslavsky is an Associate Professor in the Biobehavioral Nursing and Health Informatics department at the University of Washington School of Nursing. His research focuses on digital behavioral intervention for the vulnerable and older population including older adults with frailty, multimorbidity, and dementia. He is a recipient of several federal awards and published more than 80 peer-review publications. Since 2017 Dr. Zaslavsky is a core member of the interdisciplinary Behavioral Research in Technology and Engineering Center (BRiTE) at the University of Washington School of Medicine, which is dedicated to improving behavioral health through technology. |
Health Equity & Diversity Certificate Program This certificate will be useful for those who seek to establish or advance in careers in the health sciences, whether as health care providers, educators, researchers, or administrative staff. The interdisciplinary curriculum will also provide practical and relevant opportunities for enrollees to envision positive contributions to the campus climate of UCI, regardless of their area of study or work. The program is from Sept 29 to Dec 1, 2021. |
USC Regulatory Science Symposium: The Role of Genomics in Medical Product Development Genomics science continues to play a major role in the generation of new knowledge in the basic research arena. How these learnings translate into product development also involves the integration of genomics data, including pharmacogenomics as well as “Big Data” into the regulatory decision-making process. This symposium will introduce and examine all of these topics in an interactive forum with an emphasis on innovation and translation. |
Southern California AI & Biomedicine Symposium The annual Symposium on “AI and Biomedicine” organized by the UCI Institute for Genomics and Bioinformatics will be held on Friday September 24th, 2021. The current plan is to hold the event in the Calit2 Auditorium, providing you with one of the first opportunities to reconnect live with your colleagues after the long COVID-pandemic hiatus. Note that this year speakers were selected not only on the basis of their outstanding research, but also to showcase various UCI centers and initiatives, with an eye on fostering new ideas and collaborations. |
2021-22 Conte Center Seminar Series Topic: Epigenetic Consequences of Trauma Exposure Across the Lifespan |