31st Annual SoCal Alzheimer’s Disease Research Conference: Tackling Dementia with Technology Learn how new technologies are being used to accelerate science and care for Alzheimer’s disease and related dementias. Join international experts for UCI MIND and Alzheimer’s Orange County’s first-ever free virtual conference in its 30-year history. |
NIH Loan Repayment Program Informational Webinar The ICTS is proud to offer a virtual webinar focusing on the NIH’s Loan Repayment Program, in which the award, the application process, and a panel of experts will discuss the application process and their experiences applying for and receiving the award. Join us for this virtual event to find out how your loans could get paid! |
OptumLab: Partner Ideas Exchange Meeting Please join this month’s session with guest presenter Connie Rhee, M.D., M.S. – Assistant Professor of Medicine, School of Medicine – University of California, Irvine. Dr. Rhee will speak about her research project conducted in the OptumLabs Data Warehouse titled “Unraveling the Bi-Directional Relationship Between Thyroid Dysfunction and Kidney Disease Using OptumLabs Data.” |
UCI Public Health: Lunchtime Lectures Topic: Cancer Health Disparities in the Time of COVID-19 |
SCRC Panel on COVID-19 Part 2 Join scientists from the Stem Cell Research Center as they continue the discussion on COVID-19, the status of testing for COVID-19, current studies and trials as well as going back to school, wearing masks and public health. |
Experimental Design: The Key to Reliable & Reproducible Science This short course is geared towards individuals who are interested in designing, conducting, or analyzing (controlled) experiments to answer scientific questions involving group comparisons (e.g., difference in means between two groups). |
Conte Center @ UCI Seminar Series Topic: Balancing brain plasticity/stability |
Wellness Wednesday: Where Are We Now With COVID-19? COVID-19 has presented our world with unique challenges and UCI, a world-renown research institution, has experts conducting research to tackle this virus. Join us for an update from Dr. Andrew Noymer, an associate professor at UCI, who has quickly risen to the top as an expert during the COVID-19 outbreak. |
UCI Public Health: Health Equity Contact Tracing Workshop UCI Public Health is partnering with the Orange County Health Care Agency (OCHCA) and the Orange County Health Equity COVID-19 Community-Academic Partnership to offer a mid-summer Health Equity Contact Tracing Workshop to train public health practitioners, students, community leaders, and residents to do contact tracing for COVID-19. |
UCI Public Health: Lunchtime Lectures Topic: Socio-Spatial Health Disparities in COVID-19 Transmission Among Skilled Nursing Facilities in California |